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Shipping & Returns


You may return unopened items within 7 days of receipt for a full refund. Returns and refunds are subject to a $3 restocking fee. You must have the original receipt and contact us for return authorization before returning any goods. You must pay the return shipping fee unless the return is the result of our error, (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.). Contact or call us at 330-893-3359 for anything regarding this.

Sale items are not returnable. Due to copyright laws, books, patterns, and stencils are also not returnable.

Refunds will be issued once items are returned to us. Shipping and handling will not be refunded, unless the return is due to our error. All returns must be in original condition and packaging and they must be in saleable condition. Items that are dirty, used, or have a smoke odor will not be refunded.


Online orders ship for a flat rate of $7 per order and over $75 will ship free by USPS. This applies only to orders in the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii). International shipping is not available online at this time.

Orders will be processed for shipping within 1-3 business days. We ship regular business days, Monday through Friday. This may vary if we need to contact you for any reason regarding your order.

We do not offer international ordering online.

In the event that a product is listed on the website with incorrect information or price, we reserve the right to correct such information or price and orders will be revised to reflect the correct price.


Congratulations! Your order qualifies for free shipping You are $75 away from free shipping.
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